4x4x48 Challenge to help rebuild the
Living School in Lismore from the floods.
With the boys from the Business of Smiles, Scott and Shorty
In February 2022, the Northern Rivers experienced the worst flooding in history. Homes destroyed, business and schools devastated, all resulting in such heartache and loss.
In particular, local progressive school in Lismore, Living School, was obliterated. Both campuses saw destruction beyond belief.
It is time to reconnect
It is time to bridge the gap
That time is now
And it all starts with a Smile
The boys from the Business of Smiles, Scott and Shorty, want to help rebuild the Living School, one smile and sock at a time.
That is why on Friday 29th April to Sunday 1st May they are bringing the community together to raise much needed funds to help rebuild the school.
The 4x4x48 challenge is one of determination, accessing the inner grit and will power and working together as a community to finish the challenge as one.
The event 4x4x48 is 4miles (6.4km) every 4hours for 48hours. Participants can walk, jog or run every stage. Spectators and supporters can come and join in a choose a stage to run in. Kids can come and ride a bike or skateboard for a stage. It is about coming together to walk, jog, and run to achieve much needed help
Event Location
Byron Bay, NSW - Cavanbah Centre
Mornington, VIC - Mornington Athletics Track
How to get involved?
1. Register for the event and run every stage (this is a life changing event)
2. Register for the event and run/walk one or a few stages together
3. Walkathon - for the kids who want to get involved and do some walking/jogging and raise some funds - join in on the Walkathon
4. Buy a pair and/or Donate a pair of socks - come down and wear them on the day and support by showing up and cheering everyone on
5. Donate straight to “Living School” Flood Appeal - if you can’t make it -
What happens over the 48hrs?
Friday 29th April at 8pm is when the first stage of 4miles (6.4km) starts
Then the remaining times of each stage:
Fri 8pm (start time)
Sat 12pm
Sun 4am
Fri 12am
Sat 4pm
Sun 8am
Sat 4am
Sat 8pm
Sun 12pm
Sat 8am
Sun 12am
Sun 4pm
At each stage participants will run the prescribed 6.4km distance. Spectators and supporters can join in at any stage for morale support and encouragement
There will also be available throughout the weekend
food trucks
Ice baths
Live music
Presentations and words of wisdom
Lots of stories to share
How can I help?
If you would like to be involved with the promotions of the event, running parts of the weekend or provide an extra set of hands, please reach out to shorty@thebusinessofsmiles.com.au (Byron event) or scott@thebusinessofsmiles.com.au (Mornington event)
How to become a sponsor?
If you would like to find out how you can be part of the event on a partner level and really add some awesome value - please reach out to Shorty (James) 0413 524 121 and/or Scott 0448 449 877 for a number of options.
We are looking for sponsors for each stage, plus one for the entire event. There are also other smaller sponsorship opportunities to get involved.